Sunday, 6 October 2013

Annoying Characters in Books

An annoying character in a book can make reading  hard and frustrating, especially if this is the main character! I've encountered a good few examples of these. Here a just some of the many characters who made me facepalm or go UGH.

Pagan from Existence by Abbi Glines:
OK so the whole book was really frustrating but one of the reasons why was because of the main character, Pagan. She was SUCH a boring person. She had no personality,hobbies or quirks at all. She wasn't even funny. After meeting the love interest in the book all she did was talk about him and he became her whole life. Some of the cheesy stuff she would say made me want to puke. SIGH. I had high hopes.

Jessamine from Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare:
Okay, maybe I'll change my mind after reading the 3rd book but from the minute we met Jessie in Clockwork Angel I knew there was something about her that I wouldn't like. I don't know, i just found her snobby and careless with other people's feelings. After what happened in Clockwork Prince, I REALLY put on some hatred towards her but maybe she will redeem herself and prove me wrong.

David from the Wings series:
I've read all 4 books in the series and in each book I still hated David. He was so boring ,over-protective and plain. I was Team Tamani FTW! Sorry to all the Team David people. But I must admit i did have some(a teeny tiny bit) of sympathy for David in the end. I don't know, I just thought he was a little TOO head over heals for the main character and that whole "science geek" thing just didn't interest me much.

Macy from The truth about forever by Sarah Dessen:
The protagonist, Macy in The truth about forever was probably the least annoying out of this list but i still found some of her choices questionable especially when it came to her mother and their relationship. I just got annoyed that she was so unhappy but still didn't do anything about it even when she kept saying that she will. However, I still enjoyed the book, just not as much as i could have.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to come back for more bookish thoughts,reviews and fun stuff.  - Tess xxx

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