Saturday, 12 October 2013

Clockwork Prince (The Infernal Devices #2) by Cassandra Clare Book Review

Synopsis from Goodreads:

In magical Victorian London, orphan Tessa found safety with the Shadowhunters, until traitors betray her to the Magister. He wants to marry her, but so do self-destructive Will and fiercely devoted Jem. Mage Magnus Bane returns to help them. Secrets to her parentage lie with the mist-shrouded Yorkshire Institute's aged manager Alyosius Starkweather.

My Rating: 5/5 stars

Well, where do i start? Clockwork Prince was even better than Clockwork Angel. I felt like there was a lot more action and awesome jaw-dropping moments. 

I feel like the plot really took off during this book and we see much more of the downworlders and shadow hunters. I am not surprised by the betrayer though, i saw that coming from a mile off. However, we still don't really learn much about what Tessa is but i'm sure that the last book will sum all that up. 

The characters were just as amazing in this book. I love Sophie and Gideon! I even felt pity towards Gabriel. Charlotte is such a strong kick-ass character  and of course we see much MUCH more of Magnus! God, I love him. As far as our main protagonist, I love Tessa's progression and I even find her better than Clary. I'm still really interested to see what she is and how it all came about. We didn't see much off Mortmain but i have a feeling that the next book will have an epic showdown!

OH. Yes and the love triangle. Well ,that caused me to asdfl and spaz out a LOT. You know how I was all Team Will in the 1st book ,well, I've changed my mind. I LOVE JEM SO MUCH! BUT, I LOVE WILL TOO! We just see so much more of Jem and he's just so sweet and innocent! But we really see a deeper side to Will too which makes me really understand him and his actions better. I'm so confused about my feelings and it really makes me nervous. I don't want any of them hurt! I think deep down I want Tessa to be with Will but i just hate the idea of poor Jem having to endure the pain of losing her. 

Honestly, i'm really nervous but really exited about reading the next book. Nervous because of this love triangle that has caused me so much pain and I just don't want the series to end. Excited because we will finally get some answers and hopefully kick Mortmain to the Curb! That Cliffhanger ending just tore me apart! Another reason to get Clockwork Princess, the 3rd and final book, ASAP.

My Favorite Quote:
“They’re not hideous,” said Tessa.
Will blinked at her. “What?”
“Gideon and Gabriel,” said Tessa. “They’re really quite good-looking, not hideous at all.”
“I spoke,” said Will, in sepulchral tones, “of the pitch-black inner depths of their souls.”
Tessa snorted. “And what color do you suppose the inner depths of your soul are, Will Herondale?”
“Mauve,” said Will.”

                                                                                              - Tess xxx

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